Motherhood is not one-size-fits all!
Find your Motherhood Mojo
When you create your own motherhood, you find your mojo. You go from chronic survival mode to hitting your stride, feeling more joy and functioning out of your strengths with a clear plan.
Experience More Confidence and Competence in Motherhood
So many moms are secretly worrying they are the only ones not loving being a mom or worrying that they just aren't good enough and are going to ruin their kids. How great would it feel to not only feel confident, but also competent?
Your Whole family will benefit
Many moms have a bad habit of putting ourselves on the back-burner. We would happily spend a ridiculous amount of money on youth sports or activities and call it an investment, but pause when it comes to actually investing in ourselves. Moms who choose to Create their Own Motherhood are not only investing in themselves, but also their whole family. "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"
Are you caught in the Groundhog Day of Motherhood?
You wake up, get you and the kids ready for the day, solve unexpected emergencies and clean unfathomable messes, you make appointments, feed the wildlife, organize and plan, nag a partner, and maybe even squeeze in some employment....sound familiar?
Are you:
Wondering what in the world did I get myself into with this motherhood gig? Will it ever get better?
Feeling guilty for secretly not loving all the aspects of motherhood?
Worried you aren't cut out for this or at least not the version of motherhood you have been living?
There is a better option. It's time to Customize
Your Motherhood.
Stop trying to fit yourself into someone else's box or definition of what motherhood should be like.
In my Create Your Own Motherhood Program we:
Identify and Clarify Your Unique and Realistic Vision for Motherhood.
Discover the Barriers to Achieving that Vision and Create a Plan for Busting Through them.
Explore your personality, strengths, and growth areas and base your motherhood on your individual characteristics.
Gain clarity about the values you want to drive all of your parenting decisions and actions.
Create a Framework for Motherhood to guide you through your future parenting stages and challenges.
Utilize Powerful Cognitive Tools to strengthen your motherhood mindset to increase your confidence and capability.
Working with Amy has changed my life as a mother. Her approach to helping me think through so many parts of my life made so much sense and was so helpful. I didn't realize just how much I was functioning in survival mode, until I got out of it and started enjoying being a mom so much more.
Mom of 5 kids under 10
For me, it was so helpful to intentionally set aside time to spend thinking about my life as a mom, what I love about it and what I want to change about it. I have never been more clear about the vision that I have for my life and the rest of the years of parenting I have ahead of me. These tools are so helpful!
Single Mom of 2
I recommend this to any mom! The only regret I have about this program is that I didn't have it sooner after becoming a mom. Babies should come with this course. Being a mom is so much more than just caring for babies. I am so much more prepared for whatever comes my way as a mom now!
Mom to 3
Create Your Own Motherhood
Invest in yourself. Invest in your motherhood. Invest in your family.
Here's what you get:
8 Self-paced Modules, Dive deep at your own pace, slow and steady or binge it fast, whatever your style.
200+ page Workbook, designed to guide you through your process as you customize motherhood to fit your life. Filled with Practical Growth Oriented Tasks to develop a motherhood you truly love.
10+ hours of video content, Broken into bite-sized segments and distributed in a logical order.
The Motherhood You Dream Of and The Mom Your Kids Deserve, You aren't just investing in a course, you are investing in your motherhood- in giving your kids the mom they need and want- the best gift you can give them.
$2000+ value! I get it, it is an investment and us moms aren't always great at investing in ourselves. BUT, if we were working together 1:1, it would cost thousands of dollars for us to go through all of this information and process your thoughts and feelings on all of this together.
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